
Boundaries. Why are they so important? And how can I protect my boundaries?
In the most basic sense, boundaries represent our personal space - including physical, emotional, energy, and time. As an independent, autonomous human being, you get to choose your boundaries and assert them.
Many people have trouble protecting their personal boundaries. Sometimes this is due to earlier life events, such as trauma, where boundaries were violated without acknowledgement of the violation. In such a case, a person usually has difficulty believing that their personal space is truly theirs.

So, you want to talk about polyamory...
For some people, discovering that they want to be in a polyamorous relationship is a realization gained through seeing this type of relationship in media or real life and suddenly recognizing that this is what they wanted but didn’t have the words to describe. For others, engaging in a polyamorous relationship is a slow period of self-discovery and gradual awareness that monogamy is not the only option for a relationship. However you arrived at the place where you are considering a polyamorous relationship, welcome!

Coping: Post-Election Conversations with Family
While the election has been called, the stressors of Election Day (more like an Election Week this year) and the current political and social climate are still impacting many people across the country. We have also entered a holiday season that will look very different from past holidays due to the ongoing pandemic. Whether gathering in-person or virtually, the election (and politics) are likely to come up during holiday gatherings, so how do we handle these conversations when our families may hold very different views?

Election Mental Health Preparedness
A hot topic in my sessions lately has naturally been the election. Regardless of political view or level of passion/apathy, there's a wide range of stress that has been slowly building.
Many of you might be managing well enough, some of you perhaps not so much. I knew I wasn't prepared when I watched the first debate, turned it off half way through because I couldn't stand it, and had a nightmare that night.

Love yourself first, then you can love others better. Loving-kindness meditation.
We often find it difficult to love ourselves first. Why is that? Perhaps we got the message from a young age that putting our needs first, or even loving ourselves, was selfish. And selfish is bad, so be sure to always consider others first. How has that internalized message been working of you? It's silly to fight with old standing beliefs we have about ourselves that no longer serve us. Instead, it's more helpful to acknowledge what is true and stick to it, even when it means redirecting yourself over and over again.