
Understanding Anxiety as a Messenger
Did you know that anxiety disorders are the most common mental health concern in the United States? The past year prevalence rates for anxiety disorders are higher for women (23.4%) than men (14.3%). (1, footnote.) If you were drawn to this post due to your own anxiety, I hope you pause with the weight of this statistic and understand that you are not alone. My hope for you is that after reading this post you come to find a different way to relate to your symptoms and experience of anxiety.

Seasonal Self-Care
As daylight savings time ends and the weather grows colder, you might find your mood changing and your motivation waning. Here are a few tips that might be helpful as you prepare for the change of seasons and the upcoming holidays:

Election Mental Health Preparedness
A hot topic in my sessions lately has naturally been the election. Regardless of political view or level of passion/apathy, there's a wide range of stress that has been slowly building.
Many of you might be managing well enough, some of you perhaps not so much. I knew I wasn't prepared when I watched the first debate, turned it off half way through because I couldn't stand it, and had a nightmare that night.

Mindfulness in Everyday Life
How many times have you gone through your day on automatic pilot - and then wondered where the day went? This happens to everyone in many ways. Maybe you had a conversation with a friend and realized you didn't even know what they had just said to you because your mind was somewhere else. You might have been driving and suddenly noticed that you missed your exit because you had been so caught up in your thoughts.