Women’s Psychotherapy
What we can help you with:
Overcoming “anxiety about anxiety” and fear-based living.
Feeling more fulfilled and connected in your relationships.
Integrating your spirituality and other mind/body practices into your healing process.
Lessoning the impact trauma and/or childhood abuse on your life as an adult.
Overcoming addictions and choosing healthier coping skills.
Managing chronic pain, health concerns, and medical conditions.
Getting better sleep.
Succeeding on your own terms at parenting.
Establishing and maintaining boundaries that work for you.
Coping with stress from fertility and reproductive health concerns.
Building your capacity for fun and joy.
Finding your way out of the fog of depression or grief.
Identifying and living a more personally meaningful life.
Developing and strengthening meaningful relationships.
Balancing personal, familial, and professional demands.
Managing your weight as a lifestyle change, not a diet.
We offer individual psychotherapy, usually in 55 minute sessions. Clients may prefer meeting once or twice per week for a period of time to feel more stable and get more assistance applying new skills to their lives outside of therapy. Feel free to reach out and discuss your preferences with us. We can help you figure out which services may best suit your needs and goals.
Each provider has specialties and ways of providing psychotherapy that are unique to them. Everyone on our team provides effective psychotherapy to adult clients identifying as female.
Telemental health or "online therapy" is available to women living in Florida. We continue to provide a good portion of our services virtually, as our clients and staff appreciate the benefits of online therapy! Psychotherapy done online is conducted through doxy.me (similar to Zoom). Our practice page is ba.doxy.me.
Telehealth therapy and counseling has been researched and shown to help people experiencing a broad range of psychological concerns. There are benefits for both the provider and the client, as services are delivered more flexibly, are easier to access, and travel costs are minimized. People who may particularly benefit from this modality include individuals who find the use of technology in therapy appealing, individuals who would like flexible, brief counseling to make health behavior changes (quitting smoking, managing weight), and individuals who prefer not to travel for these services.
Ready to schedule?
Meet a few of our women’s therapists!
Hannah Yang, Psy.D.
Elle Kirby, LCSW
Zulexis Alcaide, Psy.D.