Modern Parenting Challenges: Key Issues Facing Today's Families

By Meghan Ringler, LCSW

As parts of the world become further modernized, certain areas of life have become easier and more manageable. However, from many angles, the job of a parenting has become increasingly complex. Never before have we lived in such a technologically centric society bringing about stark cultural shifts in norms and practices surrounding work, play, socializing and of course, child rearing. 

Many parents are navigating the treacherous waters of parenting during a global pandemic, economic downturn and various political strifes. While in certain ways none of this is “new” it can be said that some old ways and imparted wisdom tend to no longer be applicable given such drastic changes in the last decade. Here are a few modern challenges parents face. If you’re questioning “why does this feel so hard?,” maybe these points will offer some insight and validation for you.

The evolution of technology

Yes, we’ve had “technology” around for a long time, however not to the scale in which we currently see in the last decade. With this increase in technology, people have now moved towards a more digital lifestyle. In certain ways, this increase has had incredible benefits but it has also presented immense challenges. Specifically, when it comes to child development, research has shown that excessive technology use in early childhood does have developmental outcomes in social and cognitive areas (1). As our lifestyles have shifted to a more digital domain, it has created a direct influence on family dynamics. Face to face interactions have shifted, as there is now more reliance on technology for youth, potentially exposing teens to potentially elicit/disturbing material. Overall, it can be stated that parents have had to face a rising issue of potential disconnection in the family system with the rise of technology. 

Cultural and lifestyle changes

Due to many different societal factors, there is a new increased pressure for parents to manage it all. Due to the ever changing economic state, it has shifted the roles and expectations of parent(s) for many. It is now often a the requirement that parents are working, if not one, but multiple jobs to make ends meet. Additionally, there is an overall shift in values connected to parenting specifically, “In earlier times, respect for authority and adherence to traditional norms were strongly emphasized. Today, however, societal values have shifted, placing a greater emphasis on individualism and personal expression. This shift has led to a more assertive and independent generation of children who may question or challenge authority more readily (2).” Though in many ways this change in values has significant benefits, it does present challenges to parents in raising children. 

Social media

This is a big one…there is a light and a dark side to most everything, but more and more we are starting to see the damaging effects of the role social media plays in our lives as individuals as well as its impact on the family unit and the youth involved. Social media poses a plethora of risks to child development. Some studies show an increase in mental health concerns in teens who spend upwards of 3 hours a day on social media, and also report an “addiction” to social media use (3). This poses significant challenges for parents on how to navigate the ever growing presence social media has in their child's lives- at this point it is almost unavoidable.

Information overload!

Knowledge is power, but too many opinions, perspectives, anecdotes can lead to analysis paralysis. This can impact a parents level of confidence and authenticity in their role as a parent. In fact a study published in 2023 looked at the impact of information overload on parents and the research found that parents with lower levels of parenting self-efficacy (aka lower parenting confidence) showed increasing rates of searching for parenting information online over time. However, the relationship didn’t go the other way—more searching online wasn’t related to increased self-efficacy in a parent (4). Thus, at times information overload can have a damaging effect on a parents confidence and overall well being. Sometimes less is more!  

There is no doubt in the world that the role of a parent is a challenging and complex one, but add in the demands of the modern world- yikes! Sometimes as parents you need the validation that Yep! Things are tricky out there. Understand that such challenges can be addressed and mitigated but will involve trial and error on your part as the parent. A child in the modern world needs a good enough parent, not a perfect one. 







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