Steps on How to Find Purpose and Discover Your Path in Life

By Meghan Ringler, LCSW

The path to our destination is not always a straight one. We go down the wrong road, we get lost, we turn back. Maybe it doesn’t matter which road we embark on. Maybe what matters is that we embark.” ―Barbara Hall

Since the beginning of time, humans have been plagued with the inner conflict of making meaning in their life…figuring out some way to make this short but long life worth living. If you find yourself wanting to find purpose and your path in life, know you’re not alone. 

Understand that finding purpose or your path in life requires a journey vs. outcome mindset. We as individuals in our current society like when things are certain and spelled out. However, when it comes to finding our path in life the journey is intentionally unclear. The path is like a windy, bumpy road full of ups and downs and when we learn to embrace the journey towards what fulfills and lights us up in this life, the pain and challenge become a bit more worth it. 

Looking for purpose

To begin, finding purpose often comes from looking within and engaging with self reflection. A great way to start is by clarifying what is of value to you in this life. Some may say family, tradition, community and others may say fame, recognition, power. Identifying some of your core values can give you a foundation for moving towards what matters to you in this life. 

We often get caught up in what the “right” next move is, however when looking for purpose it can be useful to just GO. Finding our path and purpose in life is about falling and getting back up again, evolving, changing, and stepping outside your comfort zone. None of this can be done, when we are stuck in our mind and not moving in our life

How do I know I’ve found my purpose?

If you’re asking yourself this question, you will likely end up falling short…finding purpose is not the same as setting a goal. In fact, purpose is about embracing the complicated journey vs. white knuckling to get to the outcome. Think of it this way: “a goal is like a destination, a specific point you want to reach, like climbing a mountain, its tangible, measurable and has a clear endpoint. Now consider purpose as your reason for climbing the mountain in the first place. Your purpose is ongoing, and it evolves as you grow and learn. While goals are the milestones you aim to achieve, purpose is the journey and the essence that makes the journey meaningful.” (1) 

Words of wisdom when it comes to finding our path 

Do a value clarification.

Brene Brown has a great values clarification called Living into Our Values this can be a great exercise to get to know ourselves and what is of meaning to us in this life.

Create a vision board.

If you’re creative this step may be useful as it is a way to map out our dreams and aspirations within life. For more information on how to create a vision board, check out this blog.

Step outside your comfort zone when connecting with what is of value to you.

Getting outside of your comfort zone can play a significant role in growing and evolving into the person you want to be. While it is certainly not a bad thing to stay comfortable, understand that it can be limiting, especially when you notice the inner resistance of wanting to find more out of this life. 

Actually do what is interesting to you!

This may surprise you, but SO many people stifle their creative passion for fear of judgment, criticism, or even for not doing what “you’re supposed to do.” If taking dance lessons as a 35 year old without any previous dance experience is interesting to you, why not do it! As an exercise- observe the how/why of your inner resistance, and what happens when you let yourself actually do it. It may shock you! 

Get out of your mind and into your life.

I can’t emphasize this point enough, a body in motion stays in motion. The more we exercise the “just do it muscle” the more we may surprise ourselves with finding avenues of fulfillment and purpose. Purpose can’t be found in the mind, it must be found in the experiencing of life. 

Finding our path in life is a meaningful journey, and if you find yourself in the throws of that journey, keep moving. 



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